Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy – A Roadmap to Success

Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy – A Roadmap to Success

Pablo Blanco



  • Specific: Be specific with your goals and ensure that your objective is clear and be specific about what this goal means and what it encompasses

  • Measurable: This is very important as you want to be able to understand whether your efforts actually paid off and how they translate to revenue

  • Achievable: Aim high but aim within reason. When you are setting your objective, make sure it can be achieved, or you will simply set yourself up for failure

  • Relevant: Define your business objective and think of what digital marketing channels will help get you there with the highest relevancy

  • Time-bound: Set a clear deadline so you can measure results and benchmark these results to prior and future marketing campaigns


Target audiences can be segmented into categories that reference, intent, location interests, plus more. Some examples you can break your target audience by:


Separate groups out based on their various interests, including hobbies and entertainment preferences. This can help you make data-driven, highly personalized messaging that allows you to connect with your audience in meaningful ways that can help drive brand loyalty.

 Purchase Intention

Define groups of people looking for a specific product, such as a new entertainment system or car. This will help you understand your audience’s pain points to create tailored messaging that addresses their needs.


Subcultures refer to groups of people who share a common experience, such as music genres or entertainment fandoms. By understanding some of your target audience’s motivations, you can better understand who you’re trying to connect with.



How to Create a Virtual Persona with The Right Demographics

When building your virtual persona(s), consider using the following demographics and identifiers:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Hobbies

  • Income

  • Education level

  • Profession

  • Marital status

  • Who they trust

  • What they read/watch

Additionally, it would help if you looked into the following:

  • Your current patient database

  • Who your competitors are targeting




Keywords or phrase selection is essential before building any campaign. Finding and selecting the correct phrases will better guide you in the content creation phase.  It would help if you searched for these phrases based on:

·        INTENT: What is the end-user objective when they search that phrase

·        VISIBILITY: How often is this phrase searched/displayed monthly

·        COMPETITION: How many competitors are using/winning this phrase

You want to find phrases and keywords that have high volume in search with low volume in competition.  This is the winnable sweet spot for visibility, exposure, and high ranking. 



Once a pool of winnable keywords is created, they can be allocated based on intent. For example:

“Low back pain exercises for swimmers” vs. “Low back pain doctor for swimmers”

Awareness vs. Conversion (High intent)

In the previous example, we identify the first as an information search for “how-to” vs. the second in which the end-user is searching for a doctor to treat his/her low back pain.  They can be categorized in different sections such as “high intent,” “consideration,” “informative/research.”


At this point, you’re equipped with the phrases you will be using for your content creation.  However, you probably would ask yourself, “so what content do we create?” That takes us to the following set of questions we like to ask:

·        Can we shoot a video?

·        Can we write a blog?

·        Can we get/sketch an infographic?

·        Can we capture image?

·        Can we get a patient testimonial?

You will quickly learn how your selected keyword/phrase can or cannot fit into each category. It’s ok if they all don’t fit, but it’s important to identify them.  Now you can begin your content creation 😊


As you build content (blog, video, testimonials, images, infographics), the next step is to understand how fast you can create new content so you can share it through your media channels. 

You’ll need to Identify the best times to post for each media channel and schedule your post throughout the week.  The goal is to get clicks and views on your post to record activity- you want this trend to be higher than your competitors.



After you’ve shared your posts, this tool can help you identify the keywords ranking on your site and how many impressions and clicks they received.  It is pretty transparent, so you’re able to quickly understand throughout time what has worked and what hasn’t.


Finally, we get asked this question a lot: “so what if I find a phrase that I like to use, but I can not see it being winnable due to all the content and competitors out there winning highly over it!”

The response is simple: “We pay for it!” – there is much more to learn on paid advertising utilizing words and phrases you otherwise have no chance at winning organically through SEO.


Mr. P

Healthcare Digital Marketing Strategist | Co-Founder of Avanmed

Pablo D Blanco, also known as Mr. P, is the co-founder of Avanmed, a company that scales medical facilities and doctors with patient growth through digital advertising and strategic campaign management.  His latest paid advertisement program with the CSA offers an accessible plan to new and existing chiropractors, physical therapists, and business owners with a well-rounded Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy via their Avanmed platform. You can read more about his company services here.

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